An Amazing Single Mom of 5
*Bethany contacted us because she was in a difficult situation. First off she was a single mom that raised four boys and one girl. Her son PFC Ricky Salas JR was killed in action on March 7, 2006 in Iraq. Ricky Jr. was killed by an IED after volunteering to drive to get supplies. He was in the military for less than a year. Bethany felt Ricky’s death deeply.
Recently Bethany’s son, Roger was shot in the back and is partially paralyzed. After this, he and his wife separated. Roger had no place to go but Bethany’s. Needing to care for him she had to go part time at work and yet pay for his medicines until state aid (Victims Project) kicked in. Bethany soon became behind on her utilities and car payments. Not to mention, the gas line under her house for her hot water developed a leak, so the power company shut off the line. Having no money to run a new gas line Bethany was forced to boil water for baths, etc. for the last few months.
Though Bethany’s son, Roger is now getting his medications paid for and she is about to start and new job, part time, she needed help to catch up. Recognizing Bethany’s situation, FHAF decided to pay her past/current utilities (and a little more), plus purchase a new electric water heater so she does not have to worry about putting in a new gas line.
*not real name
Recently Bethany’s son, Roger was shot in the back and is partially paralyzed. After this, he and his wife separated. Roger had no place to go but Bethany’s. Needing to care for him she had to go part time at work and yet pay for his medicines until state aid (Victims Project) kicked in. Bethany soon became behind on her utilities and car payments. Not to mention, the gas line under her house for her hot water developed a leak, so the power company shut off the line. Having no money to run a new gas line Bethany was forced to boil water for baths, etc. for the last few months.
Though Bethany’s son, Roger is now getting his medications paid for and she is about to start and new job, part time, she needed help to catch up. Recognizing Bethany’s situation, FHAF decided to pay her past/current utilities (and a little more), plus purchase a new electric water heater so she does not have to worry about putting in a new gas line.
*not real name
Notes of Gratitude
To all that are connected and play a part in Freedom Has A Face, I am *Bethany, Gold Star Mom mother of PFC Ricky Salas Jr. Am so very thankful for the love and kindness each of you have showed to me. I cried tears of joy when I got the good news. I knew then that God had blessed me by sending angels as each of you. Thanks so much. It was so nice knowing that there are still good people with big hearts. I’m a proud mom and actions as this make me even more proud knowing my son defended a great country as ours. Thanks again. God bless, and may God continue blessing each of you. BR